Assertiveness at work

About the training:

Do you sometimes want to speak up during a meeting, but finally back out before saying what’s on your mind? Self-confidence to ‘dare’ to say something is also called assertiveness. Anyone can learn this skill while maintaining his/her own style. Assertiveness at work goes beyond the workplace, but will also strengthen you in your daily life.


  • Create self confidence
  • Have a better relationship with your colleagues and clients
  • Communicate with power


8 hours


  • What is assertive-, sub assertive- and aggressive behaviour?
  • Obstacles for recognising assertive behaviour
  • Enforcing your opinion
  • Learning how to say ‘no’
  • How to react in a conflict of opinion and discussions
  • Practise real life situation*

* during the exercises we will be using a video camera and an actor to strengthen the learning process