About the training:
In our professional lives, we are asked to give more and more presentations and lectures and are expected to do this well and with ease. The truth however is that the majority of the world population is more afraid of giving a presentation to an audience, than they are afraid of dying. Moreover, it is often more difficult to train other trainers, as they are specialists in the topics themselves. It all boils down to teaching them how to communicate their knowledge to their target group.
Being able to give a presentation that keeps your audience’s attention and participation and for you not to lose any sleep over.
8 hours
- A good preparation is the foundation to a good presentation (basic conditions, stage fright, logistics, my audience)
- How to communicate your message to your audience clearly and concisely
- A good presentation has a: Beginning, Middle and a Closing
- Difficult questions from the audience
- Giving a presentation yourself*
* during the exercises we will be using a video camera and an actor to strengthen the learning process